Founded 1971

For those interested in the study of

Hadrian's Wall and the Roman Army



News and Updates

22nd November 2015

Application forms and information relating to the 2016 Hadrianic Society weekend and the Roman Army School can be found on Roman Army School and Society Weekends pages.

If you are able to circulate details of the 2016 Roman Army School to local societies or notice boards flyers can be downloaded using these links RAS Flyer  or RAS Flyer A5

6th November 2015 

 The 2015 Hadrian's Wall Archaeological Forum will be held in Hexham on Saturday 28th November.See Poster



   29 October 2015 

 Dates and speakers for the 2016 Society Weekend and Roman Army Course now on the appropriate  pages.


 10 April 2015

Website re-arranged to conform to the wishes expressed at the  Hadrianic Society AGM. 

 6 April 2015

The Hadrianic Society Weekend took place from the 27th to the 29th March 2015 followed by the Roman Army School from the 29th to 31st March.

A brief report of the weekend can be found in Society Weekends. A fuller report of both the Society and the Roman Army School will be published when available.

Following a discussion at the AGM it was decided that the Society Proceedings and Photo Galleries should no longer be password protected and they are now open to general viewing. 


*Items on this page will remain for 1 month from the date of appearance or until no longer relevant.

See also Adam Parker's Blog 
